Friday 1 April 2016


=> arrangement of curriculum elements into a substantive entity

Basic curriculum design:

# aim, goals, and objectives

$ What should be done?

# subject matter

$ What subject matter should be included?

# learning experiences

$ What instructional strategies, resources and activities should be employed?

# evaluation 

$ What method and instrument should be used to judge the results of the curriculum?


Curriculum Design vs Instructional Design:

# different -

Curriculum Design
Instructional Design
- the total plan that arranges the four components into the curriculum
- refers specifically to one components, the potential experiences for the students, learning activities (methods and organization)



1. Science as source

# only items that can be observed and quantified should be included

# problem solving should have the prime position in the curriculum - stress thinking

# the curriculum teaches rational process for dealing with reality


2. Society as source

# designed to serve the broad social interest of society, as well as the local community

# shows where to modify the curriculum

3. External and Divine Sources

# should be intended to perpetuate society

# it should pass on the significant of people's values and personal morality

 # Divine will, External truth from the Bible


4. Knowledge as source

# disciplined knowledge has a particular structure and a particular method(s) used to extend its boundaries

# Disciplined - unique VS Undisciplined - various (training)


5. Leaner as source

# derived from what we know about the leaner

# based on cognitive learner

# emphasizes "learning by doing"


Representative Curriculum Design:

# Student - Centered Design = content and / or process

# Learner - Centered Design = based on students' lives (interest, needs, empowerment)

# Problem - Centered Design = focuses on problems of living and society (work)



# promote unity through the use of a single medium of instruction (the national language) and the provision of the same core subjects for all pupils in all school within the National Educational System


* from this topic, i have learned how to design own curriculum for the group assignment 


  1. Hi, I would like to said what you had been done is easy to understand with your points. It easy and convenient to see all of you reflection with the colourful words and its easier to do reference if needed.
    I also glad that some of you reflection let you gain some knowledge and know how to do your assignment as well.
    At last, i would like to ask how you design own curriculum for the group assignment ? as I can learn from you too . Thank you.

    1. hi too. thank you for your comment and asking. i design the curriculum for group assignment by refer the curriculum design note. from this note, i will know what we need when do the aim, goals and objective for this assignment. we also know which source of curriculum that we want to follow in design the curriculum. hope it answer your question.
