Sunday 10 April 2016


=> the process or group of process that people perform in order to gather data that will enable them to decide whether to accept, change or eliminate somethings

Comprehensive Evaluation of a Curriculum:

# the curriculum or curriculum document

# how might it be judged

# Ritz Model = Document Validation


Validity & Curriculum Evaluation:

# do the instrument do what they are supposed to do

Scientific VS Humanistic Evaluation:

- quantifiable data gathering
- uses tests results of experiment subjects
- analyses data statistically

- qualifiable data gathering
- relies on impression of what is observed
- engages in actual incidents that are observed

Formative & Summative Evaluation:

- Collecting data on those activities undertaken to improve an existing program during the development and early piloting of a course or program

-Collecting data on an existing program after it has been developed and implemented
-Focused on the effectiveness of the course or program
-Terminal judgement

Phase of Evaluation:

Evaluation VS Grading:

# the evaluation of student learning is far too complex an enterprise to be reduced to a single grade

# More grades = Better evaluation

Goals and Roles of Evaluation:

> Goals - What is supposed to do, i.e., determine the progress of learners achieving the aims, goals and objectives of the curriculum 

> Roles - What it is used to do, eg. honor role, clubs, punishment, promotion, rewards. etc

Goals of Evaluation:

# learner improvement

# methods

# document validation

# product assessment

Saturday 9 April 2016




=> entails putting into practice the officially prescribed course of study, syllabuses and subjects. the process involves helping the learner acquire knowledge or experience. it is important to note that curriculum implementation cannot take place without the learner. the learner is therefore the central figure the implementation process. implementation takes place as the learner acquire the planned or intended experience, knowledge, skills, ideas and attitudes that are aimed at enabling the same learner to function effectively in a society. (University of Zimbabwe, 1195:8)

=> in short word, CURRICULUM CHANGE


Criteria for selecting Content:

1. Self-sufficiently

# to maximize teaching effort and educational resources, subject matter are generalize ability

2. Significant

# the knowledge that could contribute meaningfully to students, eg. novice students use their minds and develop their cognitive domain

3. Validity

# the content selected should be authentic and not obsolete or incorrect (misleading)

4. Interest

# the learner-centered design noted that students are interested in the knowledge when it is meaningful to his / her life. the reasons are allow for student's maturity, use their prior experience. therefore educators must make sure the content engages the individual


5. Utility

# concern on the usefulness of the content. how the content learner will enable students to use that knowledge in the jobs situations and other adults activities

6. Learnability

# this criterion relates to the optimal placement and appropriate organization and sequencing of content. However, certain contents are out of the range of students experience and thus difficult


Curriculum components:

# what subjects matter is crucial to learn?

# what is essential to know to be successful citizen?

# what contents best addressed students' interest and needs?

Curriculum content:

# it is facts, concept, generalizations and theories which are similar to disciplined knowledge, eg. Chemistry

# non-discipline, like, environmental education, both concern the advanced of understanding

Friday 1 April 2016


=> the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college

=> a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained

=> the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories about such application or use.

Approaching Curriculum Theory and Practice:

Historically- based Idea
Current Example
Curriculum as a body of knowledge to be transmitted
Course syllabus, School/district guidelines
Curriculum as an attempt to achieve the product of certain ends of students
Lesson Plan, Instructional units
Curriculum as ongoing real-time process
Interaction of teachers and students. In other words “what actually happens in the classroom and what people do to prepare and evaluate”

Curriculum as praxis with emphasis on social justice
Extension of process in which learning is student-lead, incorporates critical analysis, ethno-curriculum, action research and/or self-study reflection research

Curriculum Framework:

1. Curriculum as a syllabus to be transmitted

# it means short and clear statement or list of topic for discourse, the contents of a treatise, the subjects of a series of teaching

2. Curriculum as product 

# the real purposes of education is to bring about significant changes in the students' pattern of behaviour


3. Curriculum as process

# interaction of teachers, students and environment


4. Curriculum as praxis

# the pedagogy goes beyond the learning experience of the learner